About Us
Our Approach
Our approach is to achieve income and capital appreciation through the construction of a diversified portfolio. Constantin Capital has a flexible approach and, by investing through selected third-party managers and directly, invests in a broad range of asset classes to achieve its goals. Constantin Capital’s focus is on the following areas:
Our Approach
Research & Insights
Constantin Capital’s edge is its commitment to new frontiers, thoughtful inquiry, rigorous research, and high performance. We analyse the greatest economic transformations of our times, and the impact of these changes on markets, geopolitics, risk management, and asset allocation. Our range of themes is reflected in our insights and commentary published at brunlubert.com.
Contact Us
For general enquiries, please email
enquiries@constantincapital-inc.comConstantin Capital Fund Management Inc.
1330 6th Avenue
New York, NY 10019
United States
Tel. +1-212-209-6175
E. enquiries@constantincapital-inc.com
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